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Summer plants to have in full sun

Summer plants

Summer plants

We are at that time of year that invites us to be lived with joy, outdoors and surrounded by colors. The best way to enjoy these months that we hope so much and that invite you to be savored, minute by minute.

To make the most of it, plants are the perfect option. A natural way to enjoy nature in our house in one of the seasons of the year in which the plants are at their peak.

It is now when summer plants become protagonists of terraces, balconies or gardens. Some that will not only help us decorate the exterior but also completely change it with their presence.

However, choosing them should not be done lightly depending on where we live. And is that summer is synonymous with heat and even very hot.

A factor that determines, according to the geography and orientation of our house, which plants we can enjoy.

Thinking about those degrees of the thermometer and in warm places, today we want to make you a proposal of five perfect summer plants to have in full sun.

Plants that not only will not resent this exhibition, but will even look even more beautiful thanks to it.


Before more, it is important to consider that being resistant to the sun does not mean that they do not need irrigation.

An aspect that usually worries us when we decide to plant summer plants, thinking that we will be away from home for a season and may resent it.

However, this does not have to be a problem. It is enough to know how to water the plants on vacation or even, and according to your disposition, to know how to install a drip irrigation  that keeps them hydrated.

In either case, our summer plants will be cared for and will be able to grow or flourish without any fright even in full sun.

So, and after this consideration, let’s see some perfect summer plants to show off in the sun. Some selected to have flower in pots, planters or even planted directly in the garden.

1- Surfinia, one of the quintessential summer plants

We could not speak of summer plants without mentioning the Surfinia. A true symbol of this time of year , which fills almost any space with color.

Perfect for occupying planter boxes, it is also perfect for a hanging planter or a high-level floor-standing planter.

Added, the variety of its colors is such that it is impossible not to find the most suitable shade to complete the decoration of any outdoor space.

2- Geranium, another classic from this time of year

One of the essential summer plants. And we say this because geranium is one of the most popular in windows, terraces, balconies or gardens with the arrival of good weather.

Beyond its incredible range of colors, it also has a good number of shapes. From the zonal geranium, which grows vertically, to the climbing geranium or ivy  through varieties as unique as the Randy geranium or the Pansy geranium . A rustic plant that will require very little to be beautiful.

3- Dahlia, exuberance made flower

Attractive and striking, the Dahlia is nicknamed “the garden diva . ” And it is not for less: its incredible flowering is a real spectacle.

Since it is a plant native to Mexico , a location in full sun is ideal for it to grow and flourish fully. To make it even more prominent, the ideal is to combine it with plants with simpler and more discreet blooms . A small trick that will allow us to contemplate its beauty without anything eclipsing it.

4- Carnation, the ideal plant for windows

If you are a lover of summer plants with small blooms , Carnation is the ideal one. Its flowers, which range from white to a good part of the red ranges, grow in isolation or creating small bouquets.

Incredible points of color that stand out against the intense green of its elongated leaves. In addition to its beauty, Carnation has one more attraction that makes it irresistible:

it needs very little care . Something that makes it a perfect plant even for those who have no hand with gardening.

5- Margarita Dimorfoteca, ideal for creating flower beds in the garden

A perfect plant for creating flower sets, bordering paths, or simply growing in a pot. Also called African Daisy.

This plant is a family of Calendula and Sunflower. Something that gives us a clue of how much he is a sun lover.

To develop fully, they require little but very specific care. In addition to having a good height, they have good growth in width and a large profusion of flowers.