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Bouquet of red pink and white roses

Bouquet of Red, Pink, and White Roses: Character and Elegance

Our bouquet of red, pink, and white roses is a bouquet full of character, optimism, and feelings. The queen of flowers presents its most beautiful colors and its most charming aroma.

A Palette of Emotions

Red roses symbolize passion, white roses purity, and pink roses convey a gentle and joyful sentiment. This bouquet is a palette of emotions in the form of flowers.

Versatility for Any Occasion

It’s a perfect gift idea for any occasion. Whether you’re celebrating love, friendship, or simply looking to brighten someone’s day, this bouquet is an ideal choice.

Elegance and Fragrance in Every Blossom

Roses not only enchant visually but also fill the air with their lovely fragrance.



12 Roses, 20 Roses, 30 Roses, 40 Roses


Mixed, Pink

Types of flowers


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