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This bundle of dry orange wheat

will bring a little sun and softness to your interior!

If you are talking about dry wheat, you will think about cereals, crops, flour, cooking possibly …. Have you just imagined for a second the decoration you could make with dry wheat? The dry wheat that we market is in the form of a boot measuring between 50 and 60cm high, composed of about 80 to 100 stems. This cereal has been considered for centuries as a real lucky charm that will ensure your home prosperity and happiness. In addition it will remove negative influences from your road. Already in the days of ancient Rome, handfuls of wheat were thrown at the bride and groom at the exit of the church to promise them a beautiful descent. Later, it was also customary to hang on the walls of houses a sheaf of wheat when the frame was finished as a protection. Symbols and benefits associated with the boot of wheat, from time immemorial, we could find many more. As you see, wheat is loaded with symbolism and getting it into your life and your home is a good thing. So before the decor! In bridal bouquet for a romantic-retro side. In center of tables in perfect agreement with cotton. At the church at the end of the benches, or in crowns mixed with oats, in nametags on the table, in decoration of napkin rings … so many warm ideas. Then you imagine all the possible combinations with ears of wheat.


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