Flowers for each season of the year
The seasons of the year are usually very striking and each one has its own characteristic. They can be very important in dictating which species to grow in your garden and which will be best cared for at each time of year.
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Therefore, it is very important to know more about these species and how they behave from spring to winter.
With this, you can also contribute to pollinating species and, in this way, decorate your backyard even more!
How about knowing the flowers for each time of the year?
Species to Grow Each Season
The purpose of researching well about the flowers that usually develop in a certain season of the year is clear: Thus, you can beautify the garden, planting flowers that are surely at the right time of their development.
This is how, in addition to all that, it is possible to attract pollinating beings at every time of the year, transforming a garden into a true natural habitat for these small animals.
To do this, you must analyze your seedlings well and see which one adapts to higher temperatures, growing in summer, or those that look much prettier in autumn, with all the litter around. And what looks beautiful only in winter?
Perhaps you can find a species that blooms more healthily in the spring? There are millions of flowers that can be studied and even discovered, knowing which are the best flowers to grow in each specific season.
Flower calendar
To find out which flowers are best suited to a certain season of the year, check out the flower calendar below.
You will see that there are millions of options to choose from, but it never hurts to always follow the planting criteria for each species.
In this case, as much as the seasons favor the growth of some specific flowers, do not forget the basic stages of cultivation.
1. Winter
Plants that usually adapt to winter have a great resistance to low temperatures, in addition to developing better away from the sun’s rays.
Many flowers can even be hardy at this point, withstanding the famous frosts in some parts of the country.
In this case, they can also attract common pollinators in this same season of the year. Look at the options you can have:
– Azaleas: They can grow in bushes with totally different colors
– Camellias: They can be seedlings for shrubs or simply the flower itself, with different colors
– Garden Quince: Common Shrubs and Seedlings
– Citrus in general that cannot flower, but are great for winter
– Japanese cherry tree: A beautiful species that blooms a lot during the winter, being a very beautiful shrub
– Laurotino: A very famous shrub that gives beautiful white flowers in low temperatures
– Viburnum: A well-known bush with quite whitish and abundant flowers for the winter.
2. Spring
This is the time of year when most plants bloom. Therefore, the number of options grows and pollinators begin to infest the gardens with certain specific species.
– Boxwood: It has white flowers and can be used as a hedge. It is very ornate
– Citrus in general: It can also be used a lot in winter
– Holly: A shrub with white flowers that grows in large quantities. They can be used to decorate large gardens
– Marronia: Shrub with yellow flowers to decorate gardens
– Peach: It has its fruits, but what is most striking are its bright pink flowers
– Pereira: A tree that bears fruit and beautiful white flowers in spring
– Lamia: A creeping herb that usually develops beautiful flowers only in spring
– Dandelion: An herb that is widely used in natural medicine. It has beautiful flowers throughout the spring.
– Garden plants: They can be good to complement
– Aromatic plants: Some give flowers and others do not, but they are great species to grow at this time of year, as well as getting along with other species
– Herbs: They do not bloom but serve as a great complement
– Blueberry: It is a bush with a great production of flowers and fruits in spring
3. Summer
Summer is a very hot time in which the sun is very strong most of the time. Here, the most common flowers like the sun’s rays during almost their entire growth period, so that they can develop better.
In this period, the flowers tend to be more resistant and begin to last longer due to photosynthetic activity, in addition to the great presence of pollinators such as butterflies.
– Bottle Cleaner: It is a beautiful medium-sized shrub that develops beautiful red flowers
– Budleja: The flowers are born in white and violet colors, being very ornamental for large gardens
– Lúcas: A shrub with white flowers that grows abundantly in summer
– Citrus: Citrus can also be grown here without major problems
– Amor-agarradinho: It is a medium-sized shrub that has the shape of a vine. It may have white flowers, but most of the time they are pink.
– Lion’s mouth
– Daisies: They are small but very colorful. May vary in shade from species to species.
4. Autumn
Almost no species manages to flower at this time of year and that is why we present some species below.
Autumn is usually a very balanced time and therefore does not require many flowers. What matters most are the leaves that end up adorning the garden and combine with some floral species.
– Campanulas: Flowers that have an exotic shape, in the form of bells.
– Nasturtium: Yellow flowers that have some shades of red. They usually combine a lot with autumn
– Sunflower: It is used a lot at this time, since it combines a lot with the autumn weather, it blooms a lot when it is well cultivated
– Dahlias: I produced beautiful and numerous flowers
– Eleagno: It has beautiful white flowers that grow on the spread of a beautiful medium-sized bush