Pitiminí Roses Bouquet
The Pitiminí Shine Bouquet is a charming combination of branched pitiminí roses in white and yellow tones, designed to illuminate any space with its freshness and vitality. The purity of white is perfectly balanced with the warmth of yellow, creating an arrangement full of energy and elegance.
This bouquet is ideal for those looking for a cheerful and light-filled gift, perfect for celebrating special moments or simply to brighten someone’s day. Its composition conveys a message of optimism, harmony and good wishes.
Main flowers: Branched pitiminí roses.
Colors: Soft white and vibrant yellow.
Presentation: Vase included.
Approximate size: 9 stems of roses, 2 stems of gypsophila, eucalyptus.
Ideal for:
Celebrations of friendship, gratitude or congratulations.
Gifts for birthdays or births.
Decorate spaces with a cheerful and elegant touch.
Give a smile with this radiant bouquet in white and yellow tones, ideal for any occasion in which you want to convey happiness and good wishes.