“MILANO” Bouquet with branched roses
The Sweet Harmony Pitimini Bouquet combines the subtlety and charm of branched pitiminí roses in white and pink tones, creating a composition full of freshness and elegance. Each flower reflects the natural and delicate beauty of small roses, ideal for those looking for a special detail that conveys tenderness and sophistication.
This floral arrangement is perfect for any occasion where you want to express feelings of love, gratitude or to decorate any space with a romantic touch. The soft tones create a serene and charming atmosphere, perfect for celebrations or to give to someone you love.
Main flowers: Branched pitiminí roses.
Colors: Pure white and soft pink.
Presentation: Vase included.
Approximate size: 9 stems of roses, 2 stems of gypsophilia, eucalyptus.
Ideal for:
Romantic gifts and special occasions.
Celebrations such as anniversaries, birthdays or births.
Add a subtle and refined touch to interior decoration.
Surprise with this delicate and harmonious bouquet in white and pink tones, perfect for transmitting sincere emotions and filling any environment with beauty.